Arthritis can affect people from all backgrounds, ages and lifestyles; surprisingly, two out of every three cases occurs in people aged between 15 and 60. Read More
Most people expect a few aches and pains with ageing – but very few are prepared for arthritis and its impact on quality of life, writes Tania Flack.Read More
Feeling flat and lethargic is a common problem; but imagine if this was happening every day and was only ever temporarily relieved when you gave into your ever-escalating sugar and carbohydrate cravings, only to return with a vengeance an hour later.
Article Published In:
Nature and Health Magzine
The brain can be looked upon as the control centre of the body, masterfully coordinating a range of complex physiological processes, receiving messages and responding to our environment, ensuring our survival, creating our
emotions and storing our precious memories.
Article Publised In:
Nature and Health Magzine
In our stressful and somewhat toxic modern world, there is one organ that stands at the front-line of our defences, breaking down toxins, coordinating metabolic processes, and ensuring that the body performs optimally.
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Nature and Health Magzine
The days of “She’ll be right mate,” in the 1970s have given way to more mindful, proactive approaches, partly due to the excellent work of public health campaigns like Movember, which raises awareness about common men’s health issues like prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s mental health.
Article Publised In:
Nature and Health Magzine
Dietary fat is perhaps one of the most confusing and controversial areas of nutrition for people to navigate.
Naturopath Tania Flack makes it easy for you.
Article Publised In:
Nature and Health Magzine
Approximately 90 percent of vision impairment and blindness in Australia is preventable or treatable, according to Vision 2020: The right to sight Australia. This is our first truly national overview of eye health in Australia and it has highlighted some worrying statistics.
Article Publised In:
Nature and Health Magzine
If you think unrelenting pain through your whole body sounds dreadful, well it is. Imagine waking every morning in pain – even walking hurts.
Your pain and exhaustion become overwhelming, and you lose your job.
Article Publised In:
Nature and Health Magzine